
対象:Windows 10. 0xc06d007e の原因と対処. エラーコード Windows PC を起動する、あるいはOfficeなどのアプリケーションを起動する. 应用程序发生异常 未知的软件异常(0xc06d007e),最近当小编打开一些网页时,页面会自动关闭,并弹出应用程序发生异常未知的. I am receiving this error in my event viewer: Faulting application name: ZeroConfigService.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4ee0fc85 Faulting module. PoSHServer, PoSHStats, SetLinuxVM, Hyper-V, Powershell, Exchange Server, System Center Virtual Machine Manager, Windows Server. Address an issue in which Windows 10 Hyper-V cannot start virtual machines after a Windows 10 upgrade. ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 259 (0x103) No more data is available. Task Scheduleris a component of Microsoft Windowsthat provides the ability to schedule. all, I have wrote a Powershell Script which deletes backup files older than 7 days. The script works fine when I run it manu. 16 replies General Windows. This is a Windows stop error, (also referred to as “The Blue Screen of Death” or BSOD error or kernel error). The stop error message usually reads: STOP: c000021a. I started up my Pc this morning to find that im unable to open most programs on my computer, when my pc started up i was shown mutliple messages Has anyone found such behavior when Command Processor (cmd.exe) closes immediately after calling it? I’ve run McAfee AV and Windows System File Check (sfc.exe).